Archive for the ‘New Orleans’ Category

Interview with Leo McGovern about “A.D.”

August 31, 2009

The third article this weekend about Hurricane Katrina and the new book “A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge” focuses on Leo McGovern, one of the individuals profiled in Josh Neufeld’s book. Leo was a great guy to talk with and I’m immensely proud of this piece even though I had nothing to do with it being as good as it is. That’s all Leo.

Josh Neufeld on “A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge”

August 28, 2009

Josh Neufeld is a fabulous cartoonist and his new book “A.D.” about the experiences of people from New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina is one of the year’s biggest comics releases. Josh is in the New York Times, he’s on NPR, and he talked to me. (Yes, I know, one of these three just doesn’t belong).

We had what I think was a great interview talking about Katrina and art, the influence of Harvey Pekar and Martha Rosler. “A.D.” is a really amazing book. (The reviewer from Newsweek didn’t like the book but admitted to crying twice while reading it.)

Today is the fourth anniversary of Katrina making landfall and in addition to Josh we’re running two other features on the site this weekend, conversations with Leo McGovern, who’s one of the subjects in “A.D.” and Larry Smith and Jeff Newelt of Smith Magazine where “A.D.” first appeared.